Homeowner Hell

The road to the kitchen of our dreams. This is the diary of a major renovation, out of control before it began, of the home of two adults with full-time jobs, two young children, two elderly and decrepit dogs, and a cranky cat.

Monday, February 07, 2005


Today we had successful deliveries and unsuccessful deliveries.

First, the cabinets were delivered, right on time, and are stacked in the kitchen/dining rooms as I type. It is a bit of a maze to get to the back door. Needless to say, today's views are somewhat distorted due to boxes in the way.

Second, our new microwave was delivered, late, and the old one was removed to be donated somewhere as part of the deal. Unfortunately, the new one doesn't work. Which will suck in the morning, because our coffee maker doesn't have enough juice to make the coffee hot enough to withstand the addition of the milk, so we usually microwave the milk first. Either we will need to heat the milk in a pot on the stove, or drink coolish coffee. Skipping the coffee is, unfortunately, out of the question.

On the up-side, though, the painting is done, and looks fantastic, and our dinner tonight was courtesy of my Gramma, who sent over a lovely casserole, which we were able to heat in the oven (it is hooked up, so we have used it occasionally). Thank you Gramma (and yes, it froze fairly well)! Tomorrow it is me sainted mother's turn to feed us. We are doing pretty well in the dinner department.

So here are the views. I am going back up to gaze at my boxes now. North, where you catch a glimpse of the new cabinets in the foreground, WSW, which is pretty much all boxes, and WNW, which is another view of boxes. Good night!


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